For ios instal Windows 10 Manager 3.8.2
For ios instal Windows 10 Manager 3.8.2

for ios instal Windows 10 Manager 3.8.2 for ios instal Windows 10 Manager 3.8.2

Auto-Update TrustScore factor was shown as disabled when using JAMF config profile.Service Tunnel quick connect option from the Banyan app icon in the menu bar.App logs can be sent directly to Banyan Support from the Health Check page.the WireGuard interface now sets the correct MTU size of 1380, allowing Service Tunnel traffic to pass through faster.New help button that redirects end users to an internal ticketing system for any assistance.Lengthened Service Tunnel startup probe timeout.Trust Levels are replacing numerical Trust Scores in Banyan’s new Granular Trust Scoring model.Firewall Trust Level Factor now supports Group Policy settings for Windows devices.Enhanced WireGuard Performance for Windows devices.

for ios instal Windows 10 Manager 3.8.2

  • Internationalization of registration on Windows devices.
  • Introduction of new Banyan Trust Factors: Banyan App version and File check.
  • Internationalization of Banyan Trust factors.
  • the WireGuard Service now only listens on Port 53 (default port) when Service Tunnel for public domains is enabled.
  • Registered 10ZiG devices were showing up as a single device in the Command Center.
  • MDM parameters were not working as expected for Linux devices.
  • Preinstalled Firefox Extension (without the core browser) was failing device registration.
  • New Internet Threat Protection (ITP) policies and functionality.
  • New admin-enabled Autorun setting in the Command Center.
  • New Registry Key Trust Factor for Windows devices.
  • Performance improvements for cases in which there are large numbers of public domains in a Service Tunnel.
  • When users connected to Service Tunnel on Windows devices, the IP address without mask defaulted to /8.
  • Banyan app has migrated commands to PowerShell the app no longer uses wmic commands.
  • OS version and Bios serial number update on app start up.
  • Launching the desktop app (from the Windows start menu) when the app was already running was causing the tunnel to disconnect.
  • The Banyan client will use the host DNS server for any DNS requests until captive portal authentication is complete and internet access is available.

  • For ios instal Windows 10 Manager 3.8.2